Contribute to help those Impacted by California's Wildfires
PRAY Be heartfelt and constant in your prayers for the people affected by the disaster, those who are grieving, those who await news of loved ones, and those who are helping and serving. FINANCIAL DONATIONS are still the primary way of offering assistance. Donate at at the giving portal on the Cal-Pac homepage. Donations are also accepted through UMCOR. ASSEMBLE AND SHIP HYGIENE AND MENSTRUAL KITS:MSC Disaster Response Coordinator, Rev. Jean Schwein, reports that the California/Pacific Conference (Cal-Pac) is requesting MSC volunteers to assemble hygiene and menstrual kits for people affected by the California wildfires. Cal-Pac has acquired a warehouse to store these donations and asks that individuals and churches ship them directly to the warehouse at the address provided below. This direct approach saves time and money.
SHIP HYGIENE AND MENSTRUAL KITS TO: Cal-Pac Supply Warehouse, 443 S. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91105
Donations to Aspen Community Church Your donation will help Aspen Community Church to continue its work in the community and its outreach programs throughout the world. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated. You may make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly donation through this site. Please make checks payable to Aspen Community Church and mail to the address below. Aspen Community Church is also able to accept stock donations, please reach out to the church for more information. We would welcome being included in your estate plan as well.
Is my donation tax deductible? Aspen Community Church is a 501(c) (3) organization. Your contributions to Aspen Community Church are tax deductible. If you have any questions, please contact your tax advisor