A Recognition of Relationships with Bishop Kristin Stoneking Saturday, January 18, 2025, 5:30 pm,
Personal relationships have value whether it is your best friend, spouse, classmate, or family member, and to that end, we will be celebrating all personal relationships on Saturday evening January 12th during Aspen Gay Ski Week at Aspen Community Church, 200 East Bleeker, Aspen Colorado, 81611. Bishop Kristen Stoneking, Episcopal leader of the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church, will preside along with Rev. J.R. Atkins, the pastor at Aspen Community Church. “We have named the event “A Recognition of Relationships” to celebrate the close connections that make life special.” Said Rev. Atkins. “The service will include scripture, hymns, a message from Bishop Stoneking on relationships, then a time for people to reaffirm their relationships. If you would like to remember a past relationship, we invite you to bring a token like a picture or small item to hold as you remember the relationship.” The service will begin with the ringing of the church bells at 5:25 pm then move into an organ prelude, a welcome, a sharing of scripture, a message from the Bishop, a time of relationship recognition, and a closing anthem. All are welcome.
A Virtual Study on Climate Change
In collaboration with the Mountain Sky Creation Justice Task Force, the 2025 Winter Mission u study draws from the revised study edited by Pat Watkins, “Climate Justice – A Call to Hope and Action.”
The study is offered on consecutive Sundays: January 19, 26, February 2, and 9 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Study Leader, the Rev. J. R. Atkins, pastor of Aspen Community Church in Aspen, Colorado, is a member of the task force and lives in the heart of the Rocky Mountains where he sees the effects of climate change every day. Atkins commented, “With my background in communications, marketing, and social media, I am passionate about getting the word out as to how we can impact climate change in our lives and in our towns and cities.”
We invite all those who are interested in learning how to put concerns about climate change into action. This study is not only for members of United Women in Faith but it is also sponsored as a partnership between United Women in Faith and the Mountain Sky United Methodist Conference Mission Engagement Team.
We invite one and all from your community, congregation, organization, group or family to join in this important study. The stewardship of our Earth’s resources and its ability to survive human degradation rests with us. Watkins’ book can be purchased on the Mission u website for $24.99. It is also available on Kindle from Amazon free of charge.
Watch parties are encouraged to enhance fellowship and discussion fitting your location. The sessions will be recorded and placed on United Women in Faith’s YouTube channel.
The following is a brief description of each week: Week One focuses on answering God’s call to care for creation with action, passion and hope. The session will ground our stewardship in theology. What is our call to be in relationship with God and the Earth?
“Water Is Life” is scheduled for Week Two. “Water Is Life” showcases the climate change happening all around us in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho and other mountain states. Members of the United Methodist Creation Task Force are sharing their resource and findings that illuminates these climate change challenges.
Week Three explores the grief and anxiety that come with climate change. What? You ask? Yes, climate change creates anxiety when people feel helpless to do anything about it, or if those around them do not believe climate change is real. Maybe we find ourselves trying to console someone who is distraught over the magnitude of the problem. This session looks at what anxiety and grief can do to us and what we can offer.
Week Four provides a greater attention to hope and what actions can be taken. Each week will feature breakout sessions for discussion, open dialogue during presentations, and opportunities for questions and answers. The study will end with worship and communion. All interested are invited. This study is not specific to denominational teachings but presents climate change as a concern for all. Mission u is a product of United Women in Faith (UwFaith) and an educational program offered to promote social justice in our world. UwFaith’s International Office is located in New York City (uwfaith.org). See less
Spiritual Companions Workshop Series with Deaconess Stacey Atkins
The goal of this workshop series is to help people explore their spiritual path and draw them closer to the divine or higher power. Some call this God, Spirit, Allah, Yahweh, Devine Mother, Lord, Jehovah, Brahman, and more. Through the sharing of ideas, discussion, and exercises, participants have the opportunity to listen, contemplate, and rest in the energy of life. Workshop dates: Tuesday, February 11, 18, 25 & March 4, 2025, 5:30-6:30 each evening Location: Aspen Community Church Fellowship Hall, enter on the west side of the building, 200 E. Bleeker, Aspen, CO 81611 Please RSVP as food, beverages, and materials will be provided. RSVP: please send an email to [email protected] Your leader for this 4-part series is Stacey Atkins. Although raised as a Christian, Stacey has expanded her understanding of the divine or high power and encourages individuals to find the path that is right for them. Stacey holds a master’s in theological studies from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University and is a Deaconess in the United Methodist Church. She is a certified Spiritual Director, Yoga Instructor, Reiki practitioner, and Shamanic healer. Stacey is a Leukemia survivor and holds a special place for those suffering from chronic illnesses and their caregivers.
Weekly AA Meetings
What is A.A.? Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem. A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety. A.A.’s Twelve Steps are a set of spiritual principles. When practiced as a way of life, they can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to recover from alcoholism. The Twelve Traditions apply to A.A. as a whole. They outline how A.A. maintains its unity and relates itself to the world around. The book Alcoholics Anonymous describes the A.A. program of recovery. It also contains stories written by the co-founders and stories from a wide range of members who have found recovery in A.A. Daily 8am Upon Awakening Group Monday 7:30pm Birthday Group